“I shoot fun, I shoot family and I shoot emotion… oh and I tell dad jokes.”

That is me… yup… what a poser!

I am there to help you remember what a special day you had and I cannot do that without us having a laugh together.

I am not a robot, I am not going to apologise for my awful dad jokes and I will most likely make you do your best “Blue Steel” look from the film Zoolander!

I will arrive as a videographer / photographer but we’ll leave as friends!

Born and bred in Northampton (for my sins), I’m also a keen musician (guitar, bass and vocals) and play in a couple of bands. Walks in the country side, pint in a local pub and the night sky all keep me going when I’m not taking photos of people’s wonderful faces!

“Dan made me feel so at ease, he was so easy to get on with, it felt like he was one of the wedding party - I couldn’t be happier!”

If that hasn’t made you want to see the packages, then I guess we weren’t meant to be and I wish you the best day ever anyway - cos I’m that kind of guy!